Traditional Internal Medicine is practiced at every level from the office and the hospital consultations to the follow-through visits and into the management of chronic deseases that do not require surgery. Most testing
is performed in the office to accommodate busy patients and to avoid sending patients on diagnostic errands.
The accent of the practice of Dr. Podkul since the 1980's has been for the person who wishes to preserve
his or her health through nutrition, lifestyle changes, vitamin therapy, and bio-identical hormone replacement. Typical areas of interest include menopause for women, andropause for men, metabolic typing, addressing conditions of low energy, thyroid disease, chronic
fatigue, Parkinson's disease, nutritional issues and anti-aging. Dr. Podkul prefers to work with patients who want to take an active hand in their own healthcare and to work together with him to jointly manage their conditions. Anyone taking more than 3 prescription
drugs for an extended period needs a medical review in an attempt to reduce errors in over-medication, polypharmacy and the development of interactions.
Alternative Medicine is integrated with Traditional Allopathic
Medicine of the internist. The office functions on a walk-in basis. Appointments are not made. It is suggested that a person call in first to obtain directions and the best time to visit, so that the wait is as short as possible. On visiting Dr. Podkul for
the first time, please bring any significant laboratory results or imaging studies that you may have and all medications for a visual inspection including vitamins and herbs.